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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Monday, 29 December 2014

New born lambs.

Shot these at 6400 ASA with flash as it was barely light. You will notice that sheep and lambs don't exhibit red eye. Sheep have enhanced night vision and for this they sacrifice the ability to see in colour, thus the construction of the eye is different to ours, hence no red eye.


Sheep and new lambs on a very frosty December morning.
Lambs can handle the cold no problem, it's rain that can be a problem.

Upton upon Severn.

The church tower.

An interesting name.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Snow on the Clwydian Range.

Taken on yesterday's morning walk. HDR edit.

Judges' Lodging Museum, Presteigne, Wales....23.

Final shots today from the Judges lodging's.

Stairs to the cells.

The accused faces the judge from here.

Judges chair,

The Judges view of the court.

Ceiling of the courtroom.

After leaving the museum we drove to Knighton, the weather was poor so just one shot of the town clock.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Water droplets.

Water droplets captured on sheep's wool caught on the barbed wire. Very dull this morning on my walk with a light dusting of snow on the hills.

Judges' Lodging Museum, Presteigne, Wales....22.

Lamp wicks.

Lamp burners.

Corridor past the cells.

Cell door.

Cell toilet.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Judges' Lodging Museum, Presteigne, Wales....18.

Servant's quarters.

Sock maker at the end of the table.

Knife sharpener and earthenware hot water bottles.

Known as the "Magic Lantern", projected pictures from slides onto a screen. The light source was a built in oil lamp.

Monday, 22 December 2014

Tornado AI24 Radar.

Came across this yesterday, the radar is sat in it's servicing trolley. I spent several years on the development programme for the radar at Marconi Avionics in Borehamwood Hertforshire. I was the radar commissioning manager, a hands on position which suited me perfectly. I was very privileged 
at the time to work with some of the top design engineers of the day. We also had some great Friday lunchtimes at the "Mops and Brooms", good days! No laptops in those days, real secretary's!!

Judges' Lodging Museum, Presteigne, Wales....17.

A fine collection.

Fireplace and ovens.

Sinks and water pump, no mains water in these days.

Servants quarters.